About us
Kiev Pharma Labs, we are a pharmaceutical laboratory committed to improving people’s quality of life through the research, development, and manufacturing of safe and effective medications.
Kiev Pharma Labs, we are a pharmaceutical laboratory committed to improving people’s quality of life through the research, development, and manufacturing of safe and effective medications.
Our focus is on innovation and the constant pursuit of therapeutic solutions that address unmet medical needs. We have a highly skilled team of scientists, researchers, and healthcare professionals who work closely together to drive advancements in the pharmaceutical industry.
Our dedication to excellence motivates us to follow the highest quality standards at every stage of our production process. At Kievv Pharma Labs, we take pride in our ability to develop medications that make a difference in people’s lives.
Our products are the result of rigorous scientific research, combined with cutting-edge technology and the use of pharmaceutical-grade ingredients.
Kiev Pharma Labs, our mission is to improve people’s quality of life through the research and development of innovative and high-quality medications. We strive to provide effective and safe solutions that address unmet medical needs and contribute to the well-being of society.
Our vision at Kiev Pharma Labs is to become globally recognized leaders in the pharmaceutical industry, being pioneers in research and development. We are driven by constant innovation and the pursuit of new therapies that make a difference in healthcare. We aspire to be an admired and respected company, driving medical progress and enhancing the quality of life for people worldwide.
•Commercial name LIGANDROL
•Active Principle: Lgd-4033
•Concentration: 5 mg/tab.
•Presentation and quantity: 1 envelope, 100 tab.
Description: Ligandrol, also known as LGD-4033, is a pharmaceutical-grade compound used in the healthcare and fitness industry. It belongs to a class of drugs called selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Ligandrol has been designed to mimic the effects of testosterone in the body, specifically in muscles and bones, in order to promote muscle growth and increase strength.
See certificate of analysis
•Commercial name: WINSTROL
•Active Principle: Stanozolol
•Concentration: 10 mg/tab.
• Presentation and quantity: 1 envelope, 100 tab.
Description: Winstrol, also known as stanozolol, is a pharmaceutical-grade compound used in human medicine. It belongs to the class of anabolic androgenic steroids and is primarily used to treat hormonal disorders and promote muscle growth in specific cases. Stanozolol has anabolic properties, meaning it helps increase protein synthesis in muscle cells, which can lead to increased muscle mass and improved physical strength.
See certificate of analysis
•Commercial name: Anastrozole
•Active Principle: Anastrozole
•Concentration: 1 mg/tab.
•Presentation and quantity: 1 envelope, 50 tab.
Description: Arimidex, whose active ingredient is anastrozole, is a pharmaceutical-grade medication used for human consumption. It belongs to the class of drugs known as aromatase inhibitors. It is primarily used in the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women, as it works by reducing estrogen levels in the body. Anastrozole works by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, responsible for the conversion of androgens into estrogens, which in turn can decrease the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors.
See certificate of analysis
•Commercial name: DIANABOL
•Active Principle: Methandrostenolone
•Concentration: 10 mg/tab.
•Presentation and quantity: 2 envelopes, 100 tab.
Description: Dianabol, also known as methandrostenolone, is a pharmaceutical-grade compound used for human consumption. It belongs to the class of drugs known as anabolic androgenic steroids. It is primarily used in the medical field to treat specific conditions such as testosterone deficiency and certain forms of anemia. Dianabol works by increasing nitrogen retention in muscle tissues, resulting in increased protein synthesis and muscle mass and strength gains.
See certificate of analysis
•Commercial name: CLENBUTEROL
•Active principle:
•Concentration: 40 mcg/tab.
•Presentation and quantity: 1 envelope, 100 tab.
Description: Clenbuterol is a pharmaceutical-grade compound used for human consumption. It belongs to the class of drugs known as beta-2 adrenergic agonists. While its primary indication is the treatment of respiratory diseases, such as asthma, it has also been used in the fitness and bodybuilding industry due to its stimulating and fat-burning properties. Clenbuterol works by dilating the bronchioles and improving respiratory function, as well as increasing metabolism and thermogenesis to promote weight loss.
See certificate of analysis
•Commercial name: CYTOMEL
•Active Principle: Liothyronine sodium
•Concentration: 25 mcg/tab.
•Presentation and quantity: 1 envelope, 100 tab.
Description: Cytomel, whose active ingredient is liothyronine sodium, is a pharmaceutical-grade medication used for human consumption. It belongs to the class of drugs known as synthetic thyroid hormones. It is primarily used in the treatment of thyroid disorders, such as hypothyroidism, where there is insufficient production of thyroid hormones. Liothyronine sodium, being a synthetic form of the T3 thyroid hormone, helps replenish adequate levels of thyroid hormones in the body and regulate metabolism.
See certificate of analysis
Description: Ostarine, also known as MK-2866, is a pharmaceutical-grade compound used for human consumption. It belongs to the class of drugs known as selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Ostarine has been designed to mimic the effects of testosterone in the body, specifically in muscles and bones, to promote muscle growth and enhance strength. It is commonly used in the fitness and bodybuilding industry as a supplement to improve athletic performance and body composition.
Description: Ligandrol, also known as LGD-4033, is a pharmaceutical-grade compound used in the healthcare and fitness industry. It belongs to a class of drugs called selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Ligandrol has been designed to mimic the effects of testosterone in the body, specifically in muscles and bones, in order to promote muscle growth and increase strength.
See certificate of analysis
•Commercial name: ANADROL
•Active Principle: Oxymetholone
•Concentration: 50 mg/tab.
•Presentation and quantity: 1 envelope, 100 tab.
Description: Anadrol, whose active ingredient is oxymetholone, is a pharmaceutical-grade medication used for human consumption. It belongs to the class of drugs known as anabolic androgenic steroids. It is primarily used in the treatment of certain types of anemia, where there is a decrease in red blood cell production. Oxymetholone works by stimulating red blood cell production and promoting nitrogen retention, which can enhance endurance and physical performance.
See certificate of analysis